Holistic Pelvic Floor Therapy 

The pelvic massage I offer is informed from Holistic Pelvic Care ™ (HPC), a gentle intravaginal technique that focuses on visualization and energy clearing, as well as tissue-specific, results driven manual therapy. It is a great adjunct to Pelvic Floor PT.

This bodywork is done externally around the pelvic bones and muscles of the pelvic floor, as well as internally to treat the muscles and tissue inside the vaginal canal.

For deep healing, I also utilize trauma informed techniques from Somatic Experiencing to help process and heal memories, emotions, sensations, and thoughts arising during healing. “The issues are in the tissues.”

The combination of these techniques allows for healing on many levels, physical and energetic alignment of the pelvis, and sustained change.

The pelvic floor is connected with the root chakra of the body. A strong root is equated with a strong foundation in the world providing for a more centered, joy-filled, vibrant life.  This process is for all women in all stages of her life.

Issues that Holistic Pelvic Floor Therapy addresses

  • Pain from scar tissue

  • Menstrual pain or cramping

  • Endometriosis

  • Loss of enjoyment of sex- Supports sexual health and orgasm/improves pelvic sensation and libido

  • Vaginismus

  • Organ prolapse: often described as a sense of heaviness in the pelvis

  • Urinary leakage: Incontinence, Interstitial Cystitis

  • Chronic bladder or vaginal infections

  • Assist in healing difficult birth outcomes or tissue that may have become compromised during the process

  • Supports healing of miscarriage and birth loss

  • Pelvic muscle balance and engagement

  • Pain with sitting/tailbone pain

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Lichen sclerosus

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Facilitates pelvic connection and proprioception

  • Encourages self care and intuition

  • Can help to support fertility

  • Supports transition to menopause and long term vaginal health

  • Preparation for pregnancy

  • Helps in establishing clear energetic boundaries

  • In conjunction with a counselor, women who have experienced sexual trauma, incest, and rape, receive care in order to recover their body from the sexual abuse. Women who experience sexual trauma often describe experiences of dis-associating and not being grounded. HPC helps women to establish this grounding once again.

  • Following an abortion: to heal the loss and nourish your womb. The decision to abort is never an easy one. We are here to support you.

  • Following a miscarriage: to nurture the center at your time of loss and honor the spirit that entered and left your womb all too suddenly. HPC restores hope in a woman’s root.

  • Experiencing a “fertility challenge”: gentle nourishment to the womb assist the woman who has been experiencing poking and prodding throughout the course of her care leaving her feeling as described by many of my clients “like cattle.”  HPC helps to relieve some of this grief.

  • Any many other conditions. Please call for a free consult.

What to expect in a holistic pelvic floor therapy session:

In the first session: We begin with a thorough review of the woman’s intake form to develop an understanding of what the woman wishes to address during the session, and provide a review of basic pelvic anatomy utilizing a skeletal model and pelvic images. This is followed by an assessment of a woman’s pelvis externally, to see how the bones rest and move. Then I will assess the tissue and muscle inside the vaginal canal with a gentle sweeping motion, and ask the client to perform a kegel squeeze. All touch is very supportive, respectful, and not painful.

This assessment is followed by the treatment to balance the pelvis by smoothing the fascia, releasing internal trigger points, and softening the identified scar tissue.

Breathwork and visualization tools assist in physical and energetic balance.

The intravaginal massage increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, improves the alignment and the function of the uterus and the ovaries, brings awareness to the pelvic organs thus re-establishing strength and synergy in the pelvic bowl as well as helping the woman to connect to the creative aspects of herself and receive some healing from trauma to the pelvic bowl.

Follow-up sessions:  begin with a re-assessment of the woman’s status followed by a treatment.

Is Pelvic Massage painful?

The pelvic massage should not be painful. I work slowly and follow the lead of your body. It is a gentle, respectful massage. When trigger points are identified in the pelvic bowl, the body guides the depth of the work and we move in rhythm with your body’s responses.

What effects will I notice after a holistic pelvic floor therapy session?

Women report the immediate effects of a new awareness of their pelvic bowl and an improved sense of well-being.  Women describe feeling much more relaxed and centered with a greater sense of support as well as an increase in the strength in their pelvic muscles.

What if I have my menses: can I receive care then?

Yes, as a matter of fact your bleeding time can actually assist this hands-on treatment because the body is already clearing what does not serve you.

What if I am pregnant?

No internal physical work is done in the pelvic bowl during pregnancy. I can perform external perineal massage on the area between the vulva and anus. Massage is proven to help this tissue stay healthy and soft in preparation for labor and prevent tears or the need for an episiotomy. I can also provide education on how to do this massage daily at home in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy. We can also do visualization and utilize energetic tools to assist in clearing trauma within the pelvic bowl, which helps clients to connect with her confidence.

Is Holistic Pelvic Floor Therapy helpful postpartum?

Yes, Holistic Pelvic Floor therapy is super helpful postpartum as it resolves symptoms such as pelvic pain, scar tissue, stored birth memories, discomfort, or pelvic muscle weakness.

The bodywork and breathwork techniques restore a healthy flow of blood, nerve, and energy to the pelvic floor.

Six weeks postpartum is the time to begin sessions.

Holistic Pelvic Care postpartum  “nourishes the heart of your mothering place and is incredibly restorative postpartum.”  ~ Tami Kent

What if I had a Cesarean Section/Difficult birth?

Women who have experienced surgical births/ Cesarean sections benefit greatly from pelvic massage. We can address imbalances that have occurred as a result of prolonged pushing in attempts to have a vaginal birth, release trauma in the pelvis from multiple vaginal exams, forceps, vacuum extractions…

I hold a space to support a woman as she processes her grief, fear and trauma from having experienced a difficult birth and help her to re-establish her center.

What if I am dealing with a fertility challenge?

Holistic Pelvic Floor therapy provides gentle nourishment to the womb and provides a renewed confidence in the woman’s ability to trust in her own creative center.

What if I had a Hysterectomy, would I benefit?

Yes, you would benefit from receiving a treatment.  Women connect with their pelvic space and revitalize their energetic, intuitive, and creative aspect of their being.